Friday, August 19, 2011


The skin around my mouth and nose is flaking off at a rapid rate. I thought I would "treat" myself to a facial this week, but now I resemble a sad paper mache project.

Note: If you are hoping your next facial comes with an ego boost, I'm sorry, it doesn't. Unless of course, you were born without pores. Or you are a porcelain doll.

Anywho, the facialist told me my face was dirty, I should watch for sun spots, and, "For heavens sakes, start using an eye cream." Needless to say, I have never felt so unattractive and "aged" in my life.

She also kept touting a cleanser that is apparently a favorite of Jennifer Lopez's. Upon hearing this, I scoffed beneath the 5 lbs. of cream and said, "Oh right, because J.Lo and I bring home the same paycheck." This comment only made the facialist scrub harder, of course.

Alas, aside from the leprosy, my face is squeaky clean and aging slower (or so I'd like to believe) because I purchased the lavender shit she scared me into buying.

I'll end with this:

Dear Facialist,

If you are in fact reading this, please make your clients feel pretty when they come in for an appointment. (A compliment on my eyebrows wasn't enough). By doing so, they will want to come back and purchase more lotions and potions and (gasp) eye cream.


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